
Showing posts from September, 2023

post modern music

Post Modern music To update a song to modern times we can just take a little sample from the original version. 1- For a song like 'Stand by me', to adapt it to modern times we could start to speed up the tempo of the song and change the drum beat, adding a new component like high hats, another thing could be to add backing vocals to make company to the main vocalist. Use runs and harmonies from new music. 2-  You need to adapt to the changes producers might make to the track, for example, you should be able to harmonise in a part where you did not plan to, you've got to be able to be efficient to spend less time rehearsing and get work done fast, moreover, you need to be organised and be prompt. 3- Threats could be if there is no contract present or the contract is not beneficial to you, another threat is if you are put into bad work condition, this could affect you as a person because of stress or unsuitable conditions. The opportunities could be the chance to play with gr
 Musical tropes:  A significant or recurring theme within a specific genre of music. I used the beat from another one bites the dust and implemented an indie sounding acoustic guitar.

A2 B5

 Stylistic features of Rock drum beats:  the  bass drum played on beats one and three and the backbeats played on beats two and four . Another one bites the dust project: I used logitech10 to create a resemblance of the song 'Another bites the dust' by Queen, I first implemented the bass drums and after that added the snare drum, when I had that finished I added the bass.