post modern music

Post Modern music

To update a song to modern times we can just take a little sample from the original version.

1- For a song like 'Stand by me', to adapt it to modern times we could start to speed up the tempo of the song and change the drum beat, adding a new component like high hats, another thing could be to add backing vocals to make company to the main vocalist. Use runs and harmonies from new music.

2-  You need to adapt to the changes producers might make to the track, for example, you should be able to harmonise in a part where you did not plan to, you've got to be able to be efficient to spend less time rehearsing and get work done fast, moreover, you need to be organised and be prompt.

3- Threats could be if there is no contract present or the contract is not beneficial to you, another threat is if you are put into bad work condition, this could affect you as a person because of stress or unsuitable conditions.

The opportunities could be the chance to play with great musicians, by performing well you can also get the chance to get recognition and build a good reputation so more artists and producers want to work with you.

Modernising Chasing waterfalls - I personally changed the bass line to a more funky and fuller bass line.

I added more octaves to the bass line and more fills to make the song more dynamic and fun.

What is a producer? 

- Someone who organises projects and tracks.

What does it take to be a producer?

- You need to be really motivated

- Make the best of your equipment

producer skills - 1

1- Conceptualisation: producers often work with artist to conceptualise the project, this may involve discussions of the sound, style and goals for the music

Skill 2 - budget

Producers have certain money and budget to work with, they'll need to be able to mange the money really well and use the equipment they got to their disposal really well.

Skill 3 - Translating ideas

Producers helps artist to redefine and change their musical ideas. they might suggest to change structure, melodies and lyrics to make the composition better.

Skill 4 - Problem solve

As a producer you need to problem solve, eg, you might need to get a session musician if you cannot play a beat on the drums or you can rearrange the drums to be able to play the beat.

Skill 5 - Sound engineering

You need to be able to mix and balance individuals tracks, adjusting levels and applying effects to tracks

Skill 6 - Good communicator 

You need to be able to make everyone understand you and bring everyone together 

How do producers and session musicians work together?

- Producers is the one in charge

- Producers needs to communicate well what sound they want

 - Musicians need to be able to play what they are being told to play


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