C7 task 2
Music assignment - C7 task 2 - Luis Ramirez Cordero 646996 good and bad - pass good and bad, what has involved - merit good bad, what has involved and how does the future look like - distinction In this assignment I will talk about What are the future opportunities and threats for the music industry and how music producers have been affected by: TV talent shows, social media and streaming. The music industry is very different to how it was 100 years ago, now it is easier than ever to listen to your favourite song from your favourite artist or band. It has transformed dramatically, before, we had to own the music by buying records and cd’s, now we can just access those same songs through Spotify or apple music and we don’t have to pay for it. topic 2 Is science correct about modern Pop music? Pop music is what is trending right now, is the most mainstream, popular, commercially and successful genre of music and it has been at the top for many years, as it has evolved it is argued that i...